The Devil: Devil’s Playground Duet, Reserve 1

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An Amazon Top 100 Best Seller!

They’ll tell you I seduced them. Used my looks and body to lure them into my playground.
They’ll tell you I’m a sinner. A demon who held them captive with temptation and lust.
They’ll tell you I’m evil. A monster obsessed with the both of them.
They’ll tell you they made a deal with the devil.
What they won’t tell you…is how much they liked it.

Please note: This story contains content that may be offensive to some listeners.

Please also note: The Devil is a full-length prelude novel!

The Devil was formerly part of the Cards of Love Collection. You do not need to listen to any other books in the collection in order to listen to The Devil.

Price tag: $0.00
(as of Jun 16,2024 14:42:00 UTC – Aspects)

Product Title: The Satan: Devil’s Playground Duet, Ebook 1

Immerse you in a dim and twisted tale with The Devil, the 1st book in the Devil’s Playground Duet. Stick to the journey of a younger lady who finds herself entangled in a risky video game of enjoy and energy with a mysterious and alluring stranger. As their enthusiasm ignites, insider secrets are revealed and the line concerning very good and evil starts to blur.

With its gripping plot twists and steamy romance, The Devil will retain you on the edge of your seat right until the incredibly close. Get ready to delve into a globe of temptation, need, and betrayal in this thrilling psychological thriller. Get your duplicate of The Devil currently and prepare to be captivated by its devilish attraction.

8 reviews for The Devil: Devil’s Playground Duet, Reserve 1

  1. Nikita Navalkar

    The Devil is in the Twisted
    Gosh darn lglgjjgnfkfjdh where has this book been all my life?!!! Ok I lie, I’ve had it on my tbr and people have been telling me to read it for months and I kept waiting for the right moment. Well, the right moment was last night and I’m glad it’s the start of a weekend because this book grabbed me by the hoo-haa and refuses to let me go. The author literally had me at her subtle yet chilling content warning. It has a lot of the elements I tend to seek out in my reading lately (I won’t say which), twisted to perfection. I devoured it in hours and almost went straight into the next one, but I might have to bail on the party I’ve to go to if I did that.This book is the fulfillment of all the dark, twisted, effed up dreams I didn’t even know I had. With a truckload of brilliant, brain screwy twists at every turn. Just when you think it can’t get any more messed up or a character can’t shock you more, bam, the author throws you a curveball you didn’t see coming. And it’s like each of the characters are competing to be more evil than the other. Or more accurately, more broken and disturbed than each other. She throws their actions into stark relief, leaving you to ruminate on their humanity/evilness. I finished one whole book of the duet, but I’m no closer to understanding anyone’s true colors yet. Except maybe Eden’s.I’m not even going to touch the topic of the hero. Because it really is best to go blind to get the maximum experience out of this book. And I’ve heard book two is going to screw with my head even more; and I look forward to it. Also, I cannot stress enough on how unabashedly, evilly, furiously hot it is. I mean, oh my holy fires of hell, just read it and you’ll know what I mean 🔥 But also know this book is not going to be for everyone. It’s a cliche but do not proceed, abort if you’re faint of heart. There’s some seriously sick shiz happening so best be prepared for it to get weird and dark AF.

  2. Grich1day

    An interesting read with an additional twist…..DAMIEN!!!!
    So, let me first start by saying that this actually was a great story and I’m giving the author her props on ability to make you feel as you are reading this story, that you are there…in the room watching as a spectator while a whole bunch of craziness is happening….With that said, I love a good story, but I’m also a fan of 100% honest disclosures. I don’t have any issues with author’s creativity of their craft, but be up front prior to bringing the reader in.I read the summary of this book but not the reviews….I don’t typically read a book based on someone else’s opinion, mostly b/c my opinion of what I want to read and what not to read is my own, and if I don’t know you, why would I allow your feedback to factor if I move forward with the book or not ( plus most folks tell you about the story instead of just an overall opinion of the book, which sucks!! ) I know already what’s going to happen even before I get to read it!!! Just being honest..summaries are what makes my decision.So if you want to read this book and want the shock your not expecting..STOP ✋ 🛑 here & start reading…….I love a good story and I will tell you, Damien King is off the chain and had me cracking up. Cain, I was a little indifferent with in the beginning and then by the end of the story he turned out to be a REAL dick…..Now this brings me back to my initial Point about the very weak, one liner disclosure statement in the beginning of the story by the author. She should have just removed the SUPER gray area in her Warning and should have given us the honest black and white truth letting us know that this book contained and was about two friends that are men and one of them enlightens the other about male pleasures and bisexuality experiences very descriptive details and scenarios of male to male sex that play a MAJOR factor in the beginning of this series…Although it didn’t bother me in the sense that I was shocked and was like OMG 😲 I can’t continue to read this, because again DAMIEN had me hooked!!! Another person may not be as receptive and forgiving, especially if it’s unexpected, not what they are looking to read, and the fact they have invested time in the story.. Adding a M2M as a lot of authors do would simply fixed that disclaimer.For the author I would have disclosed that this story contained this BIG unexpected twist ( which I will remind you was NOT no where in the summary)Other than that the story was a hoot, funny and crazy with the unexpected.. with that I give it 4 stars!!

  3. Justirishgirl

    usually not my jam
    While there have been exceptions I usually do not read books romances that are MM or MMF. Also I try to avoid books with pining heroine and a manwhore heroe who continues the behavior after meeting the heroine. Having romance books contain more or one of these things are usually a turn off for me. There is nothing wrong with them per se it is just not my jam. However I read a lot of positive reviews about this story, it sounded interesting and different and it was a Kindle Unlimited and so I was willing to try it. If I didn’t like it then no loss except my time since it was a KU read.I was glad that I took the chance by reading it. I liked it so much that I bought it. It was not a romance which was a relief to me because it meant that the pining heroine and the manwhore behavior didn’t bother me. I didn’t care if any of them ended up with each other. In fact I didn’t really like any of the main characters which surprised me but I was ok with it. I was not emotionally invested in any of them being together. In fact I want 1 of the characters to get what he or she deserves and that was not HEA. I believe that the author wanted the readers to feel sorry for one characters but I didn’t. The only feeling I have for him or her is that the characters is just pathetic. Maybe I will feel differently after reading the second book.Another thing that surprised me is that it was steamy. Since reading MM doesn’t do it for me and MMF rarely does, I was really surprised that I found it really hot. Also there was a good build up in suspense. I like the story being told from 3 points of review and way the story moved from the past to the present and back again throughout the story. The only thing that I didn’t like was the cliffhanger ending. I will be reading the next book when it comes out. The only problem will be knowing when it does as I am not good at finding out when subsequent books in a series are published.

  4. Kindle Customer

    Honestly one of the best books I have read in a while!There are so many twists and turns, I couldn’t put it down.Going to dive head first into the next book!

  5. Luna

    I simply could not put this down… its steamy, mysterious and surprisingly funny as hell.But also, DIFFERENT. I needed different and that’s definitely what I got with the deal, just maybe don’t go into this expecting a swoony lovey read and you won’t be disappointed!!


    I don’t know where to begin … this story went somewhere I had no idea was coming …. I’m speechless because this is not how I thought the story would go when I began. Now I have to read the second book because I have to know what happens or my head might explode. This is the first book I’ve read by this author and if the rest of her books are like this I will have to read them too.

  7. Corinneandthebooks

    This book blew my mind, surpassed my expectations, was totally unexpected.From the morally questionable characters, to the sarcastic humor, engaging writing, original story line to the amazing plot twists and fantastic cliffhanger, I was glued to my seat through this journey like you wouldn’t believe.My only critique… cringy sexy times.Otherwise, went in blind and it was the best decision. Starting book 2 now!

  8. Monica Salinas

    Ok. This wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was a pleasant surprise. I start loving Cain and seeing him as someone who’s struggles with bad shi* and hate Damien for whta he was donig with Cain and Eden, but as the story goes by and see an other side of the backstory ugh! I really want Cain to suffer… I’ll just have go with the next book and see what happens. But I love so much this book, it keeps me going from start to end not bothering to eat LOL.

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