The Vikings: Third Edition

Original price was: 18.00 $.Current price is: 16.49 $.

Thoroughly updated and with a new foreword 

“The Viking Age is shot through with the spirit of adventure. For 300 years, from just before AD800 until well into the eleventh century, the Vikings affected almost every region accessible to their ships, and left traces that are still part of life today.”

Far from being just “wild, barbaric, axe-wielding pirates,” the Vikings created complex social institutions, oversaw the coming of Christianity to Scandinavia, and made a major impact on European history through trade, travel, and far-flung consolidation. This encyclopedic study brings together the latest research on Viking art, burial customs, class divisions, jewelry, kingship, poetry, and family life. The result is a rich and compelling picture of an extraordinary civilization.

Cost: $18.00 - $16.49
(as of Jun 16,2024 08:51:10 UTC – Details)

Get ready to embark on an epic experience with The Vikings: Third Edition. This thorough information presents an in-depth seem at the history, culture, and mythology of the famous Viking warriors. From their fearsome raids to their advanced shipbuilding methods, this ebook handles all features of Viking lifetime. No matter whether you might be a historical past buff, a mythology fanatic, or only curious about these historic warriors, The Vikings: 3rd Version is the perfect resource for you. So get your horned helmet and get all set to explore the planet of the Vikings like by no means prior to.

13 reviews for The Vikings: Third Edition

  1. Er Jwee Chiek 余瑞傑

    Vikings age of expansion from 700s to 1066 is perhaps the greatest emigration and integration story ever!
    A great first book to begin ones journey with the ancient Vikings fascinating age of expansion from the 700s to 1100s. Thanks to their Vikings ships, they covered great geographical areas by crossing oceans and sailing up river routes. Sure they were ferocious warriors to start with when exploring new lands, but they loved peace and harmony as well as evidenced by their successful integration with natives through matrimony, conversion to Christianity, peaceful trading and adopting local customs and assuming local names. Thanks to archeology and artefacts scattered in all the lands they covered, we know today they were so well integrated in the lands they ventured to that their graves intermingled with the graves of the natives.An insight into the ancient Vikings will throw great light onto what we witness of Scandinavian societies today. Their pride and joy is deeply rooted in their path to Christianity and the bridges they built with the natives of many lands.

  2. Kindle Customer

    A great summary
    There was a lot in this book that I didn’t know about the Vikings – of course, I knew the usual stuff – Normandy etc, but it was a revelation to read how extensive their travels were into Asia and the Med. The story is supported by plenty of pictures of artifacts recovered from burial sites, but more impressive from the “hoards” of silver, gold, and coins being dug up even after this book was published. Two disappointments: I didn’t think the author did more than touch upon the fact that the Vikings were in what is now Newfoundland long before John Cabot or Christopher Columbus. Nor does she seem knew of or understood the real reason for the outsurge of the Vikings and the eventual slowdown and withering of their colonies in Greenland and the failure to make a foothold in what is now Canada. The most probable cause, I have been led to believe from climate studies, is because of the growth of population which demanded expansion in the period of warmer weather in the higher latitudes. And the most likely reason for the withering is probably the onset of the Little Ice Age in the 12th-13th Century. Nor is there a satisfactory explanation why the landings in Newfoundland did not mature into a colony. Once again, the most likely explanation is not mentioned – the Vikings were probably outnumbered by “skraelings” as they called the native inhabitants. Both sides were vigorous fighters with approximately the same level of weaponry – bows arrows, spears. The natives probably did not have metal weapons but the must have outnumbered the Vikings who strayed into their territory. I am not sure what the real answer is but the author gives little consideration to what would have been a momentous colonization had it succeeded. By the time the white man came again he was equipped with weapons that outclassed any the native Americans had.

  3. David Alexander Smathers

    Vikings of old-Most important aspects of the Viking Age AD 800 to 1200. For Scandinavia-a Golden Age.
    Everything you have heard and not heard about the Vikings is True/False. You must learn to find your own verasity. They were multi-facited Explorers and Settlers. The developed their own art in jewelry(bloom wire wrapping), Language, painting & sculpture. They left their mark in ancient sites. They mastered the Compass Rose(navigation)and Ship Stores(salt Cod-Torsk). Modern Kingdoms and Introduction of Christianity came to be in the Vikings. Rune Stone Inscriptions yield to study. A range from Novgorod Russia to North Atlantic America is investigated. These were an enigmatic People. Site finds reveal an amazing depth of residue. 0810 was the first attack in Frisia(Flanders Zeeland) of w. Europe. To the East Russia & Bizantium were great sources of valuable trade goods. Caravans from the East brought amazing goods Tributes were imposed by IE. Olaf, king of Birka. Many areas were looted by Scandinavians. For a revealing study of this ERA, you must peruse this Tome. Good Reading. DAS

  4. aase a.

    Amazing Book
    I truly enjoyed reading this book. Growing up and going to school in Denmark, I can remember learning, in history, about Norse Mythology. I remember growing up, when thunder struck, my mother would tell me not to be afraid, it was only Thor riding in his cart pulled by goats and the sound of his hammer striking the stones. Super interesting!!!

  5. Darrell W Benjamin

    A good amount of area history
    Able to see the flow of the Vikings as traders and raiders from before 800 through 1200. Using river routes through what are Russia and Germany to the Middle East. Involvement in France, Italy, England, Ireland, Fargoes, Iceland, and Greenland. Explorers and traders of the time. Yes, they also engaged in warfare.

  6. Frederick

    I thought it was a great book. My only complaint was that it took up a lot of space in my kindle, over 7 MB. i wish it would have taken up less space, but other than that it was a great book.

  7. Nina Brewer

    Even though I absolutely hate learning about history
    Did a book report on this for my world history class. Even though I absolutely hate learning about history, I really enjoyed this book. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know.

  8. Jeanne Huey

    To much exposition without original sources
    The author’s use of a topical organization makes it hard to get a feeling for either the origins of the Viking age or the reasons for its end. Artifacts are represented by drawings – without photos it is difficult to appreciate the art. Original sources are rarely quoted, which makes the information dry and leaves the reader without any real feeling for how the Vikings thought about the world.

  9. Nicholas S Wass

    If you want a straightforward book about the Vikings then this is pretty good. It will give you all you need to know about the basics without getting into too much boring detail.

  10. AmazAine

    Good quality book, no damage.

  11. limner

    Although the current interest in the Viking era has led to a plethora of glossy books on the subject anyone who wants an interesting and balanced, albeit somewhat scholarly, overview of the places, politics and culture that produced the Norse expansion should read this.It still constantly appears as a recommendation for further reading in many newer books so can be regarded as a classic.It is a tad dry, but for anyone wanting a balanced view of the Viking era which does not jump to conclusions, uses many sources and injects some reality into the frequently exaggerated accounts in contemporary chronicles, it is a delight.I was hugely amused by the likelihood that monastic raiders would ignore ecclesiastical objects (that were rarely made of precious metal) but would steal your nicely made bucket with the pretty bronze mounts. Their priorities were acquisition of silver, gold, slaves and honour, but they would take your bucket and the clasp from a holy book would be levered off to take home to be made into a new brooch for your girlfriend.The author also doesn’t evade the issue of slavery in Norse society, since all agrarian cultures worldwide depended on un-free labour at this time, but this is something that many writers are uncomfortable in addressing, and skip over.It is this sort of detail that makes the book a good read as far as I am concerned and, though it is probably not suitable as one’s first book on the period, I thoroughly recommend it as a really good overview.

  12. gamegirl

    I wanted to get some historical perspective after being entertained by the recent Netflix series. This book comes with many (academic ) recommendations, so I thought I would give it a try.The writing style is extremely boring, with very little flow to keep you interested. It often reads like bullet points without the points. Tedious sections are there in nearly every page. The author obviously knows her Viking academia, but has written a book with low readability: you have to have determination to search out the few interesting sections from a mass of mediocre writing.

  13. Ademar

    O livro é muito bom, academicamente falando.Eu estava procurando é algo ao mesmo tempo informativo e atrativo, que cativasse a atenção e me fizesse querer continuar o próximo capítulo. Como leitura para leigos, querendo saber um pouco mais sobre os vikings, acho meio pesado. Se o conhecimento que se busca for acadêmico, o livro é ótimo.

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